Supported image types
Currently Photo Database supports reading of the following list of image formats:
- JPEG Images (.jfif, .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .thm)*
- TIFF images (.tiff, .tif)*
- Photoshop Images (.psd, .pdd)
- Animated images (.gif)*
- Portable network graphic images (.png)*
- Standard Windows bitmap images (.bmp, .rle, .dib)*
- Camera RAW Images (.crw, .cr2, .nef, .raf, .dng, .mos, .kdc, .dcr)
- 3D images and photos of JPS and MPO formats (for example, HTC EVO 3D), images could be displayed as anaglyph (for red-cyan 3d glasses) or using emulation of 3d using animation
- Jpeg 2000 images (.jp2, .j2k, .jpf, .jpx, .jpm, .mj2)
- DirectDraw Surface graphics (.dds)
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) images (.exr, .hdr)
- Amiga IFF graphic(.iff)
- SGI Wavefront images (.rla, .rpf)
- Autodesk images files (.pic, .cel)
- Portable pixel/gray map images (.ppm, .pgm, .pbm)
- GFI fax images (.fax)
- Truevision images (.tga, .vst, .icb, .vda, .win)
- ZSoft Paintbrush images (.pcc, .pcx)
- SGI images (.sgi, .rgba, .rgb, .bw)
- Kodak Photo-CD images (.pcd)
- Paintshop Pro images (.psp)
- Dr. Halo images (.cut, .pal)
* program can also write these image formats
- Jpeg 2000 изображения (.jp2, .j2k, .jpf, .jpx, .jpm, .mj2)
- Изображения поверхностей DirectDraw (.dds)
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) изображений (.exr, .hdr)
- Amiga IFF изображения (.iff)